or me.
Or maybe it just feels that way with all the disappointment on Vader's face......ha ha!
All I have to say is you can't read 'em all.
The past couple of weeks I have attempted to read two books that I just can't find ( more like want to find) the motivation to finish them.
They aren't bad books or ill written, they are just not for me. And you think I would LOVE a book titled So Many Books, So Little Time ( Sara Nelson). It's basically a book written in 2002-03 that follows the same format and idea as this blog. She reads a book a week for a year. I just couldn't get into it.
I tried.
I failed.
The other was Love Comes Softly ( Janette Oke), which I was super excited to read this book as well as the rest of the Love Saga Series. I love the movies, how could I not love the books?
It was the language, it was written in that old timey, redneckish/hickish, bad grammer english and I just couldn't take it. I think I really just had trouble understand it as a whole. It was a period piece and I'm sure that's closer to how they talked then and there. Just wasn't my cup of tea.
Now, I'm not here to judge. At least I"m trying not too!
Before I failed on Sara Nelson's novel I did read here method of what to do about books she just can't finish. As a reviewer she would tell her editor to find someone else to read it. She wouldn't review a novel she didn't complete and neither will I.
And that's that for now.
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