I've already told you about Borders Triple Dog Dare ( read about it here) but there are a few more opportunities for summer reading programs and free books! Unfortunately for me, they are all for kids, boo!
Other Summer Reading Programs to Check out.....
Barnes & Noble -
Get your child (grades 1-6) to read 8 books and record them in the Passport to Summer Reading; turn them in for a free book!
Pizza Hut's Book It
From June 15 - August 15, any kid who is in K-6 and reads five books has a chance to win a summer prize package!
You can also check local libriaries, bookstores or schools for more!
When I was a kid, I remeber participating in Book It and a program at my local library. Wish I could do it now!
Ahhhhhhhh, to be a kid again!
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